District to Begin Posting Board Meeting Videos Online

District to Begin Posting Board Meeting Videos Online

Thu, 10/15/2020 – 3:31pm

At its September 2020 board meeting, the West Basin Municipal Water District Board of Directors voted unanimously to begin recording and posting video of its board and committee meetings.

Currently, the District live-streams its board and committee meetings using the GoToMeeting platform. Starting with its October 7 Metropolitan Water District Representatives Caucus meeting, West Basin meeting recordings will be posted to the District’s YouTube channel at: http://www.westbasin.org/watch-board-meetings.  

By the end of the year, District staff will present to the Board longer-term recommendations for making board meeting and recordings available to the public.

In 2019, West Basin earned the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence from the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its efforts to promote transparency and good governance. To earn the distinction, West Basin demonstrated completion of essential governance transparency requirements. Now, it builds on the transparency program’s additional website recommendations to include audio or video recordings of board meetings.

A schedule and archive of board meetings with agendas, along with videoconference information can be found online here: http://www.westbasin.org/board-agendas.

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