Environmental Compliance and Stewardship

West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) is committed to environmental and regulatory compliance for all its water operations. The Regulatory Compliance Division of the Technical Resource Department manages over two dozen compliance permits related to air quality, hazardous material management, waste disposal, new project development, storm water runoff as well as strict water quality control permits. Deviation from permit requirements can result in heavy fines as well as criminal prosecution in extreme cases. Continuous and extensive reporting is managed for West Basin by the Regulatory Compliance Division staff.


Product Waters

California’s Recycled Water Policy is intended to increase the use of recycled water from municipal wastewater sources that meets the definition in Water Code Section 13050(n), in a manner that implements state and federal water quality laws. When used in compliance with the Recycled Water Policy, water recycling criteria in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, and all applicable state and federal water quality laws, the State Water Board finds that recycled water is safe for the approved uses. The State Water Board strongly supports recycled water as a safe alternative to potable water for such approved uses.

  • Indirect Potable Reuse: Groundwater Replenishment – Surface Application

Requirements for the type of Potable Reuse implemented by West Basin are identified in California’s Water Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 3, Article 5.1.

  • Disinfected Tertiary Recycled Water

Requirements for recycled water use in irrigation are identified in California’s Water Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 3, Article 3.0.

  • Waste Discharge

West Basin hold several sewer discharge permits for various streams including neutralized cleaning chemical solutions, sample analyzers streams, or filter backwash waste.

  • Biosolids
  • Brine Discharge

Quarterly Compliance reports are submitted to both the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Air Quality Management District

Energy Efficiency

Solar Energy

West Basin furthered its commitment to energy conservation and environmentally-sound practices by completing the installation of a 36,156 square foot fixed-tilt 550 kW capacity solar power generating system at West Basin’s Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility.

This solar project was a small part of the facility’s Phase IV Expansion, which further helps the environment by providing an additional 15 million gallons of recycled water daily, instead of discharging that water into the ocean. Recycled water produced at this facility uses one-sixth the energy needed to import water from the State Water Project.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

In 2008, West Basin became a member of both the California Climate Action Registry and The Climate Registry (TCR). These organizations were established to assist entities with voluntarily reporting their greenhouse gas emissions. When the California Climate Action Registry dissolved, TCR became the sole reporting entity for greenhouse gas emissions. West Basin has reported its emissions since 2008. The inventory can be found on the TCR Website.

In addition, State regulations such as AB 32- The Global Warming Solutions Act, has encouraged staff to closely monitor its development and to prepare West Basin for possible future greenhouse gas reduction mandates.

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