Water Saving Tips

Hose and Grass

Use only as much water as your yard needs. If your grass springs back when you step on it, it doesn’t need to be watered.

Drip Irrigation - Plant

Water your yard only in the morning or evening to reduce evaporation.


Use a broom to clean sidewalks and driveways instead of a hose. You can save up to 150 gallons of water.

WSCP Level 1 Header

Replace a portion of your lawn with California Friendly, drought-tolerant plants. This can save you up to 1,800 gallons per month.


Fix leaky faucets, plumbing, and sprinklers. Saves up to 500 gallons per month.

Close-up of a man's hands as he replaces an in-ground sprinkler head. In this image he is taking out the old sprinkler head and has a new one laying on the ground near the top of the image.

Install a “smart” sprinkler controller that determines the correct amount of water based on your plants and the weather conditions.

a car Running through automatic car wash.

Instead of using a hose to wash your car, use a bucket and shut-off spray nozzle. Or better yet, take your car to a car wash that utilizes recirculated water.


Make sure your sprinklers are aimed on the grass and plants.


Run only full dishwasher and washing machine loads. This can save you up to 800 gallons per month.

Bernadette Smith Change Save DAC Resident

Install a high-efficiency washer to save water and energy. To learn more about available rebates, visit SoCalWaterSmart


Install a water efficient faucet sink aerator and turn off water when shaving or brushing your teeth. Saves 5 gallons per day.


Check your faucets, plumbing joints and sprinkler systems to make sure you aren’t wasting water. A leaky faucet can waste up to 20 gallons per day.


Shorten your showers to 5 minutes or less using a low-flow showerhead that you can easily install. Even a two-minute reduction can save you up to 700 gallons of water per month.


Upgrade to a high-efficiency or ultra-high-efficiency toilet, which use 1.2 – 0.8 gallons per flush as compared to older models that use 3-5 gallons per flush.


Use a bucket while washing vegetables and use that captured water for watering outdoor plants.

save water

For interactive tips, visit Save Our Water.

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