Water Bottle Filling Station Grant

West Basin Municipal Water District’s Water Bottle Filling Station  Program was created to provide members of the community with access to safe and reliable tap water to refill personal, reusable bottles. West Basin will award grants – up to $2,000 maximum per applicant – for the purchase of an indoor or outdoor station, to entities within our service area.

Criteria for ParticipationWater Filling Station
• The proposed location of the station must be in an area that receives high pedestrian traffic or provides recreational activity;
• The applicant’s understanding that West Basin is not responsible for any costs associated with installation or station maintenance; and agreement to share the total project cost;
• The applicant’s agreement with West Basin’s specifications for appropriate signage and to coordinate a promotional opportunity post-installation (i.e. photo opportunity);
• The applicant’s agreement to complete the installation of the station within 60 days from the application approval date.

Eligible Entities
• Located within West Basin’s service area
• Public facilities (city facilities, schools, community centers, LA County areas, etc.).

Full Program Guidelines  Program Flyer

Filling Station PlaqueSignage
West Basin will provide the awarded applicant with standard signage to be placed at the location of the station, complete with the applicant’s logo, West Basin logo, and standardized messaging. The applicant must install the signage within 30 days of delivery of the sign and prior to the scheduled station promotion opportunity.

The sign shall be placed within three feet of the station (above or on either side of the station).

Examples of Water Bottle Filling Stations

West Basin provides funding for both indoor and outdoor filling stations. An example of each type is shown below.

Indoor Water Bottle Filling Station


Outdoor Water Bottle Filling Station

Application Requirements
Application Form
• Signed Federal W-9 Tax Form
Liability Waiver Agreement
• Documentation for the selected unit (include photo and the unit make and model);
• Copies of any permits required (city, county, state, or federal).Application Deadline
• Applications will be continuously accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Funding is  limited and is allocated equally among each of the five West Basin divisions;
• Applications will continue to be processed and projects will be selected until all of the  funding for this fiscal year has been exhausted; and
• Complete applications shall consist of one (1) original and four (4) copies, 8 x 11 pages,  stapled or bound.*All forms must be complete to be considered for grant funding.

Applications shall be submitted to the following:
Tammy Hierlihy, Program Manager
Re: Water Bottle Filling Station Program Application
Phone: (310) 660-6274

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